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Tirpitz 1944         BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Bismarck-Klasse , built: 18.06.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Dragon , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Battleship , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Nymphe Flakbatterie ex  Tordenskjold (1941-1945), R89 Minenräumer Typ 89 (1942-45), Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Nymphe Flakbatterie ex  Tordenskjold (1941-1945), Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Nymphe Flakbatterie ex  Tordenskjold (1941-1945), Tirpitz 1944 Nymphe Flakbatterie ex  Tordenskjold (1941-1945), Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Tirpitz 1944 Hessen F221, HMS Royal Oak, Tirpitz 1944, USS Arizona BB-39, USS Gearing DD-710, USS Iowa 1984

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